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Custom natural products for healthier and happier skin and hair.


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Organic Shampoo

Keeps your hair healthy and strong & prevents breakage.



Top of the line care & organic formulas hand-made from natural ingredients that nourish your body.


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Body Serum

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Results that that can be noticed instantly gauranteed to have you looking healtheir.


100% Plant Based Organic Formulas

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Bush Wash

Organic blend of superfood oils & plants that hydrate & improve skin.


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Indulge in pure bliss and reserve your serene escape at our spa booking section, relaxation awaits with a click


Each and every formula has been created to suit every skincare need. For radiant, lively skin and hair. We believe in creating products that listen to what our skin really needs.

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Personalized Skin Care. Using the power of fruit enzymes and skin food Personalized Skin Care. Using the power of fruit enzymes and skin food Personalized Skin Care. Using the power of fruit enzymes and skin food Personalized Skin Care. Using the power of fruit enzymes and skin food
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A unique blend of essential oils, nutrients, and antioxidants that purify your skin and have you looking younger.
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 “I love how much it smells like the actual fruit and I have comments on how good my  my skin and hair look when I wear this on a no makeup day.”


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"I love how much it smells like the actual fruit and I alwaus have comments on how good my skin and hair look when I wear it"


"I have dry skin and my husband gets severe eczema on his hands and the skin foods are perfect for him, as normal hand washes dry out his skin."


"The shampoo has completely revitalized my hair, and it's looking so shiny and strong, thank you!"


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Custom 100% natural organic products for healthier & happier skin and hair.

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783 Lawrence Avenue West, Second Floor, Unit #6 Spa Open:
Tuesday to Friday
10: 00am to 7:30pm 

Dr flea Market 2900 Steeles Ave. East, Don Mills and Steeles

Saturday & Sunday 10:00am to 5:00pm 

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